
The Twitterer model has the following attributes and metrics. Model Functions are available in the documentation

Filtering Attributes

These attributes are indexed to make intelligent queries. All geo-relevant queries should only look at users where path_affected == true. Queries to determine evacuation behavior should further filter for shelter_in_place == false

Basic Filtering Attributes

Variable Type Description
unclassifiable Boolean At some point, the method has deemed this user as unclassifiable due to a lack of information Update: Users with no affected path are also considered unclassifiable currently
path_affected Boolean Whether or not this user’s path intersects with the bounding box
shelter_in_place Boolean If the method has determined at any point the user sheltered in place, then this value is set to true
unclassified_percentage Integer A rounded integer [0,100], that describes the percentage of the user’s tweets that did not land in a cluster during the DBScan clustering.

Advanced Filtering Attributes

hazard_level_before: A ranking variable for a user’s calculated pre-storm home/shelter location that decreases as their level of potential danger / storm affectedness increases.

Value Description
10 The user’s before home/shelter location exists in NYC Evacuation Zone A
20 The user’s before home/shelter location exists in NYC Evacuation Zone B
30 The user’s before home/shelter location exists in NYC Evacuation Zone C
50 The user’s before home/shelter location exists within the Bounding Box
100 The user’s before home/shelter location does not fall within the bounding box, however, their full movement path between tweets does intersect with the bounding box. (Could be a user traveling through NYC)

Movement Variables

Variable Type Description
shelter_in_place_location Array If a user sheltered in place, then this is the location that was calculated for that
during_storm_movement 2D Array The x,y points of the user’s during storm movement
cluster_movement_pattern Array A list of cluster IDs, including the before and after the storm. Example: ["1","1","2","2","1"] implies that a user’s before and after storm location are calculated as cluster ID “1” and during the storm they moved from cluster 1 to cluster 2, but did not return to cluster 1 in the during storm window.

Stored Location Attributes

Variable Type Description
cluster_locations Hash Key : Value pair of Cluster ID : [x,y]. If available, :before_home and :after_home are keys

Basic Attributes

Variable Type Description
handle String User’s screen name. If they had more than one screen name, then it appears as a comma separated list, but still a string.
tweet_count Integer The number of tweets embedded in the user document
id_str String User’s id_str attribute from Twitter

Sample User Document:

"_id" : ObjectId("53f61f802ddc1832ce001021"),
"id_str" : "256002542",
"handle" : "Alexandroh82",
"tweet_count" : 146,
"issue" : 40,
"during_storm_movement" : [
"cluster_locations" : {
	"before_home" : [
	"after_home" : [
	"8" : [
	"10" : [
"cluster_movement_pattern" : [
"hazard_level_before" : 50,
"shelter_in_place" : false,
"shelter_in_place_location" : [ ],
"confidence" : 40,
"unclassified_percentage" : 60,
"path_affected" : true,
"before" : [ ],
"during" : [ ],
"after" : [ ]